
Semi-Private Junior Golf Camp in CA!

I came back to Bay Area on 27th and will stay here till Jul.11th.

From 28th to 30th, I hosted 3-day (Half-day) Junior Golf Camp at The GC at Moffett Field.
Kids worked on their game 3 hours every day !

Since participants does not have any golf experience, I made it semi-private so that I can watch each student very close.

We did warm up exercise, putting, chipping and spent time at range. They have a lot to learn!
And they visited tee-ground, fairway and rough on the course and learned etiquette on the course and range.

We started  a day with  warm up exercise.
Warm-up exercise includes Agility exercise (sprint, skipping, jumping) and Fundamental Sports Skills such as throwing and catching.
I had a hard time to catch up with them while we were doing Bear Crawl, Crab Walk, Bunny Jump or Flog Jump. We put a ball on the tee and run (or walk fast ?) to the goal.  That help their balance !

Wish I could take pictures!

For the Fundamental Golf  Skills, we started at Putting Green.
Kids started rolling a ball by hand. At the chipping station, they started tossing a ball by hand.
They learned touch with their dominant hand.

At the range, we started brush-brush (small shot) and moved on Swing-Swing(Half Swing).
Then we worked on Pivot Drill and they learned follow-thru to finish!

Last day, they swung driver very first time in their life! Good job Girls!

They learned "Swing Easy" would help driver shots! 

By using their imagination, they build a putting course for me!

Of course, they played on their course! 

By the way, this is Obstacle Putting Course which I made...

They played chipping course from 2 yards, 5 yards and 8 yards from the green.
They learned order of play, etiquette, flag rule, how to mark your ball on the green.

(Hope every body remember that! )

We had fun and wonderful 3-day Camp! 

This is very good start for them! 

Stay tuned and please sign up the next Golf Camp with Kuniko Tischler! 

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